Monday, July 11, 2011

Unit 1 Section 27. Exercises (Writing Paragraphs)

Section 27. Exercises (Writing Paragraphs)

A. Questions About Paragraphs

1.)Guidelines are 4-6 sentences for the average length of a paragraph in today’s fast-

paced world.

2.)A good topic sentence expresses your opinion, is stated clearly, and is brief. It is the one sentence that controls the entire paragraph. It establishes tone, attitude of the writer by stating the main point.

3.)A unifying idea is a word / group of words that indicate the main point that the rest of the paragraph will emphasize.

4.)analyze ~ structure of a paragraph ~ is my topic sentence clear ~ offer sufficient support ~ details, example, flowing paragraphs ~ clearly connected ideas

B. Fact vs. Opinion
Facts for sentences w/ verifiable facts: 1,4,6,7,9,11,14

Opinions for sentences that are essentially personal value: 2,3,5,8,10,12,13

1.) No

2.) Date, history, statement

3.) Look up online, history, news, etc.

4.)That is a sentence w/ personal feelings.

5.)I choose as follows:

#8 Pearl Harbor - disagree - was a stragic event in history and for our Nation and for Japan. Many lives lost that didn’t need to be. Sad day in history!! History / online

#13 Hank Aaron - disagree - I don’t really care for baseball that much.

#10 Harriet Tubman - agree - Brave and ambitious. She guided the Combahee River Riad that liberated more than 700 slaves in S. Carolina

C. Paragraph Structure

Punishment For Drunk Drivers

1. DUI is more than a simple traffic violation.

A. WA state class DUI as gross misdeameanor

2. Penalty will get tougher for drivers w/ prior DUI

A. Offenders spend at least 30 days in jail, with fines and 60 days on electric detention

B. Must have an ignition interlock in order to start your car.

State Government should increase the punishment that drunk drivers rec. whether it’s a 1st, 2nd or 3rd time offense.

D. Sentence Sorting
Kicking A Bad Habit

1.Quitting smoking makes a difference right away.

A. When people quit smoking, they can taste and smell food better.

B. Their breath smells better and they get rid of their cough.

2. Clearly, quitting smoking is the wise thing to do.

A. Their smoking harms not only themselves, but also their family members, co-

workers, and others who breathe their cigarette smoke.

B. Secondhand smoke from a parent can also increase a child’s chances for middle ear

problems, causes coughing and wheezing, and worsens asthmatic conditions.

Smoker’s should quit.

1.) At first, it was a little overwhelming.

2.) I am still unsure, but pretty sure, it expressed opinion

3.) yes

E. Paragraph Development

F. Group Activity

G. Evaluating Paragraphs

1.) Parents Should Not Drink Irresponsibily

2.) Drinking themselves into a stupor, driving while drink / after drinking, fighting while drinking.

3.) If the parent can do it, so can they.

?4.)That children may not want to be like their parents.

?5.)Stating that adults may want there own lives but they must realize that they set examples for there children that can last a lifetime..

1.) Playing a musical instrument may improve a person’s intelligence.

2.) What become known as the Mozart Effect.

?3.) The children who received piano lessons scored 37 percetn higher on spatial reasoning tests than the other children who were matched in IQ.

?4.) These studies seem to undeniably prove a link between musical training and a person’s intelligence.

?5.) In one group received piano lessons, a second group received computer training, and the third group received nothing


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