Let us think back to the time we first had to learn to read. We all remember “Dick & Jane” or for most of us we do anyways. Malcom X started out with a dictionary, how extraordinary is that. He set goals everyday and put all he had into his learning. He had the Desire to put forth the effort to learn and teach himself something. We have to make the best of each situation, whether it is reading, writing or whatever life hands us.
Just like we read in Unit 1 of "Writing Simplified", if you want to be rewarded, it is all in the attitude, desire, and practicality. It is amazing what we can accomplish with positive attitudes. It should never be I CAN'T DO THIS or I HATE DOING THIS..... but instead it should be setting our minds so we can CAN DO THIS and LOVE THIS.
I felt POWER in the whole reading. There was pure emotions, both ups and downs. Yet just as we also read in unit one, he followed a process to complete the stages to become a better reader and writer. That is why we are taking this class, to take the steps needed to become better writers. So let us pour our emotions and strengths into our writing, set our goals, because what I read is without knowing how to write or read, it becomes hard to build on your own views of intelligence or even insight of other things.
I can not agree with you more on how much dedication it must have taken Malcom X to accomplish what he did. By copying the dictionary and reading every spare second he could. I have to say it is quite inspiring when you read success stories of this nature. I was raised I could accomplish anything I put my mind to. To this day I am yet to prove that statement wrong. Having a good attitude about anything it makes it that much easier. The outcome is quite often much more rewarding.